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Monday, June 4, 2012

Blessing Day Dress

I made this dress for my daughter's baby's blessing day. The material for the bottom (or skirt) of the dress I purchased at Joann very early in her pregnancy because we saw the fabric and fell in love. I am glad I did because they do not have it anymore. Perhaps they will get more in the future, but right now they don't seem to have it online or in the store.
The top of the dress is satin and I found a beautiful trim that I hand sewed around the neckline and all the way around the bottom of the dress.

I made the rosette from the same ribbon that is on the front of the dress by watching this YouTube tutorial. It was the first time I made one - well, I actually made two but this one was the best of the two. The lace on the sleeve actually had elastic already sewn on so it made the sleeve so much easier to finish because I didn't have to sew a casing for the elastic and sew on the lace separately. I love, love, love shortcuts.

The blessing day was a lovely day. See below for a picture of the baby!

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