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Friday, June 8, 2012

Blessing Day Blanket

So far I have 12 grandchildren and number 13 is on the way. I have crocheted a white blanket for each baby's blessing day. The 12th one is by far my favorite so far and the hardest one I have ever made.

It is made up of 64 squares each with a flower in the middle. Once all of the flowers were sewn together I crocheted a border around the outside and it was done.

This blanket also took me the longest to make but was very worth it. Sorry about some of the pictures. It is hard to take good pictures of white objects. I took it outside and hung it over our wall on top of a sheet.

Then I laid the sheet on the grass and laid it on top of that but it was windy. The minute I would get the sheet all straightened out the wind would blow it and I would have to start all over!

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